
Exploitation of maps

Here you will find some tips on how it is possible to further process the map files generated in our map service so that they perfectly fit your needs.

Using files

Raster file scaling – you can always zoom in the map a little because its high resolution allows for it. However, remember to change its sides proportionally.

Vector file scaling – vector pdf files are scalable without losing technical quality but at a high loss of substantive quality. A zoomed-out map becomes too detailed, i.e. it becomes illegible, while a zoomed-in map becomes too thickened, which simply looks bad. Therefore, we don’t recommend scaling; it is worth adopting the target size during personalisation.

Scale – after zooming in or out the map, remember to cover the principal scale and the nominal scale with a white rectangle. However, you can leave the scale bar as it is always correct.

principal scale, nominal imperial scale, scale bar. The map shoudn't be scaled without need

Scale distortions – the scale of each map is accurately preserved only in selected places, and therefore it should be treated with some approximation. This is due to distortions or differences between distances, angles, and surfaces measured on the Earth model (reference surface) and the plane after mapping. In the case of small areas, the distortions are usually minor, but for maps of the world and continents, in some places, they can reach significant values.

Cartographic projections – maps have different projections, depending on the scale. For large scales of up to 1:250,000, this is a Mercator transverse cylindrical projection, and the system is compatible with UTM zones, except for polar areas. Medium-scale maps, i.e. in the range of 1:270,000 – 1:4 500,000, are in a Lambert true-angle projection with the north direction adjusted to the nearest meridian at an interval of 1°. Maps of continents at small scales, i.e. in the range of 1:5,000,000 – 1:120,000,000, are in the Lambert equal-area projection or Times projection. Large maps of the world are in the Times projection, and small maps, from a scale of 1:65,000,000 – in the Mollweide equal-area projection.

Size – the large size of maps in pixels, centimetres/ inches, or gigabytes, as well as the saving format, all have an impact on handling the maps by different software. If a given map is over 1m/ 40” in size, or has a resolution of 600 dpi, or contains a lot of content elements or it is in vector format, you should carefully read the guidelines below to avoid potential problems in the future work.

Saving formats – the map’s draft image is exported in jpg, RGB, 120 dpi format, with a watermark. You can export the final map in jpg format, tiff format or pdf raster format; for last both, you can select the special quality mode – this applies to all licences except the Basic Licence – Umowa Licencyjna Podstawowa. You can also export the map in an encapsulated vector pdf format, with or without layers supported by Adobe AcrobatReader®. CMYK or RGB colour model, resolution up to 600 dpi.

Pdf – you can open a pdf map using Adobe AcrobatReader®. For large maps, please wait until the second refresh of the image to easily move it and zoom.

Map comments – map files in Adobe AcrobatReader® can be tagged with comments having significantly different graphics and saved for future reference. That way, you can create a personal layer of information. You can find the tool for displaying them in Adobe AcrobatReader® here.

Notes, comments in AcrobatReader®. Personalisation of automatically generated map

You can export your comments to give them to someone else or change them, for example, in a year when you decide to generate a new, up-to-date map with MapCreating.

Export, preserving notes, comments in AdobeAcrobatReader®

Vector pdf – vector pdf files are encapsulated, which means they cannot be edited. However, you can open such files using Adobe Illustrator® or Adobe InDesign® and add your data on top.

Vector pdf – vector pdf files generate quickly, but because they contain a lot of data, they are difficult to read for graphics programs and browsers. We suggest using this format for simple files containing relatively little information, but they can be large in cm/ inches. The best solution is the raster format.

Layers – vector pdf files can contain thematic layers. You can find the tool for displaying them in Adobe AcrobatReader® here.

Layers in AcrobatReader®. Simplify data, remove unnecessary, invisible

You can enable or disable any of them, adapting the content to your current needs, such as a presentation during a meeting or data analysis. Each map layer includes one group of elements corresponding to the list of categories in tab 2 Content/ Base content elements; their names are abbreviated but distinguishable in English. Layers are not visible in a browser’s pdf plug-in. Do not re-save the file with Adobe Illustrator®, or you will lose the layers.

Pdf saved with Adobe Illustrator® – you can open vector pdf files saved with Adobe Illustrator® in Adobe Photoshop® by rasterising them. If they do not contain asymmetrical lines, you can also open them in CorelDraw® – then check the map carefully.

Asymmetrical lines – these are glaciers, sea boundaries, monumental buildings, walls and fences, aqueducts, and city walls. Also, a number of point symbols are constructed with the use of asymmetrical lines, e.g. localities, power plants, solar farms, gradients, raft piers, shelters, sheds, amphitheatres, hot springs, and rapids.

Stylization of cartographical signs, maps. Assymetrical lines, strokes, dashes

Raster pdf – you can open raster pdf files using, for example, Adobe Illustrator®, CorelDraw®, Adobe Photoshop®, or Adobe InDesign® and add your own content on top. In the case of maps with very large sizes – of more than 30.000 pixels for one size – the file may not open.

Tiff – tiff files are best for maps in large formats. You can open them using any graphic software. Your printing house will not have any problems with them, although it may prefer pdf files, it is better to consult it beforehand.

Jpg files in jpg format are in the RGB color model. They are readable by all programs. Remember please, that the map size is flexibly adjusted to the screen size, according to the pixel dimensions of the image – not according to the map scale.

Georeference in tiff (in a future) – tiff files contain georeference in the header and include accompanying files in the tfw format, and therefore, can be opened using a GIS software. Re-saving files with Adobe Illustrator®, CorelDraw®, Adobe Photoshop® or Adobe InDesign® will result in losing the georeference from the header, but if you keep the file name and size in pixels unchanged, the tfw file will still be able to properly embed the map in GIS software.

Georeference in pdf – pdf files contain the georeference in the header. After opening maps with Adobe AcrobatReader ®, it is possible to view this georeference using the Dimensions/ Location Search tool. Re-saving files with Adobe Illustrator®, CorelDraw®, Adobe Photoshop®, or Adobe InDesign® will result in losing the georeference.

geographical co-ordinates on a map, GPS, localisation in AcrobatReader®

RGB colour model – GIS software and web browsers prefer the RGB model. The maps displayed there, created in the CMYK model, may include distorted colours or not display at all.

Resolution – it is worth adjusting the resolution of the generated map to specific needs so that, on the one hand, the map has a high technical quality, and on the other– it does not overload the system. 300 dpi is suitable for photography, but for offset map printing it is not enough; keylines and small names will not be sharp. 600 dpi should be enough. In the case of plotter printing, it all depends on the distance from which the map will be read; if it is a handheld map, then 600 dpi is also the best, as long as the plotter can use it.

Overprints – in offset printing of large volumes, black and some other colour elements overprints are needed. They are included in vector files and raster files exported in special quality mode, providing great technical results but causing the final generation stage to take 10 times longer.

Special quality mode – in the special quality mode, the lines and surfaces are much more legible under overlapping names and symbols. The background under names and symbols is hold-out selectively and in 75% only, so it is possible to see the streets, roads, or railways even in locations with a high density of names and symbols. Our solution is unique on a global scale. In this mode, all overprints are preserved, not only in black, but also in other colours, necessary to make the other elements of the map easier to read. This applies to graticule, names of some large regions and administrative units, keylines of landcover forms, building keylines, contour lines, road keylines, pipelines and power lines, as well as other minor ones.

Special quality mode, very high, legible texts, overprints

Registration marks – maps do not contain registration marks and bleeds, as in most cases, they would interfere with the further use of the maps. In the case of a need to perform offset printout, we suggest adding registration marks and white bleeds in a graphic software. The map is always net size.

The border around the map – maps are generated with a white border around a gray frame. We strongly advise against changing the background inside the content, but it is acceptable outside the frame and can be done, for example, with Adobe Photoshop® or a similar software.

Retouch – if an object/ information is a problem for you, you can try to remove it in a raster software, although it is not easy. You just cannot delete/ obscure the MapCreating publishing imprint and licence number.

Watermark – draft images and maps for humanitarian purposes are watermarked.

Range of maps at different scales

Here you will find suggestions concerning what scales are the best for generating maps of a given theme.

With large scales, you will always get very detailed maps presenting a small area, e.g. your residence area.

Scales Maps
1:3,500; 1:10,000
complete city maps
1:15,000; 1:20,000
overview city maps
1:25,000; 1:35,000
maps of communes, maps of islands
1:50,000; 1:70,000
detailed tourist maps, maps of counties and forest districts
1:75,000; 1:100,000
overview county maps, lake district maps, and forest range maps
1:125,000; 1:200,000
detailed road maps of provincies

With medium scales, you receive overview maps of large areas, such as your country.

Scales Maps
small country maps
maps of medium-sized countries, groups of countries
1:3,000,000; 1:4,000,000
maps of large countries, small continents

With small scales, you will get maps of parts of the world or our entire globe. Therefore, presentations of all continents are available: map of Africa, map of North America, map of South America, map of Antarctica, map of Australia and Oceania, map of Asia and map of Europe. That’s not all, there is also a map of the Arctic/ the Arctic Ocean, as well as images of other oceans: a map of the Atlantic Ocean, a map of the Indian Ocean and a map of the Pacific Ocean. The Southern Ocean is on the Antarctica map mentioned. The largest are the World maps, centered on both Americas, Europe with Africa or Asia with Australia and Oceania.

Scales Maps
1:5,000,000; 1:10,000,000
large maps of continent
1:12,000,000; 1:20,000,000
medium maps of continent, large world maps
1:50,000,000; 1:100,000,000
small maps of continents, medium maps of the world
small world maps

Using maps

You can use your map in dozens of ways, and below you will find suggestions only for some of them. You’ll discover that modern portals with scalable maps based on GoogleMaps®, OpenStreetMap®, etc. – we all use them every day, because they are very useful – can’t always replace a traditional map.
Map in a car. For planning, navigation, in an emergency, legible

Map in a car

Perfect for planning a trip or choosing an interesting route. It will work when the navigation fails when there is no GPS signal or when it gets disturbed by a storm. A car map is appropriately generalised, unlike the one in navigation, its content is much better hierarchised and legible.
Map on hiking trip. For planning, navigation, trip routes, marked trails, legible

Map on hiking trip

Useful for planning a trip route and including local attractions, such as monuments or national parks. A map uploaded to a smartphone will show the position in the field against an excellent background full of clear information. A paper map is critically necessary in emergency, dangerous situations; when the battery in a smartphone runs out, there is no network signal, or the GPS signal gets disturbed by a storm. When you lose your smartphone, or it gets stolen. A paper map usually contains more content than an online map for a given area and is much easier to read.
Map in a classroom. For geography, nature, history. Legible, reliable, illustrative, well-readable form distance, wall

Map in a classroom

It is crucial for learning geography and history because it allows one to instantly grasp the contents that could be unsuccessfully described on many pages of a textbook. Notice how much more helpful a wall map is than the one in a smartphone, how it is read completely differently, how much faster the entire concept is understood and how it helps drawing the correct conclusions. With the use of large symbols, names, and strong colours, it is legible from the far end of a classroom. We recommend coating it with plastic laminate/ film to protect it for years against being touched by children’s fingers.
Map in an office. Legible, wall map, decorative, for companies, for dry-erase markers

Map in an office

A map in an office can serve a decorative function but above all, it provides information. You can use a wall map to show the company’s branches in the region, country, or world. We use it to present the recipients of our goods or services with dry-erase markers, magnets, or pins. We can plan delivery routes or new investments on the map. It’s a good idea to make sure that the map contains only the content we need, and the rest, usually included on the map, is removed – this can be achieved during personalisation with MapCreating. We will receive custom map poster.
Wallpaper in an office. Simple, legible map of the world or the country, with branding information

Wallpaper in an office

It will work best in a lobby, hallway, or conference room. It should cover the entire wall; it is worth cutting the frames after printing so that the content reaches the edge of the wallpaper. We recommend simple information, readable from 3 meters/ 10 feet. In contrast to products offered by the competition, our map includes a set of the most important data, presented uniformly and consistently, complete at a given reading level. If you expect the names of large cities only, you will find all of them, not only some intertwined with the small ones. It also, if you require the names of all the main streets, you will find them. You won’t see only a few of the most important ones and many little unnecessary ones. If you want to see dual carriageways or the rail network, they will be clearly different from other similar information.

Billboard along the road. Advertisement, legible, simple, less informations, great size

Billboard along the road

In this case, the largest symbols and a reasonably small amount of information are needed. Such a map is viewed from a great distance and for a fraction of a second. Even though the maximum size of our map is 254 cm/ 100″, you can print it as a larger map at a lower resolution.
Wallpaper in a children's room. Warm colours, wall map, mountains and rivers, geography, journeys

Wallpaper in a children's room

Most often, it is a map of the country of residence or the world. If possible, choose a nomenclature in a language that the child can understand. Even though an adult will look at it from a greater distance, the child will probably look at every detail up close. It is worth including mountains, valleys, rivers, and cities on the map. Roads and railways are less important. The wallpaper should cover the entire wall at a resolution of 300 dpi or higher if the plotter resolution and grain size of the wallpaper allow it.
Image in a living room. Decorative map, artistic manner

Image in a living room

A map can constitute an elegant form of decorating an empty wall. How to create map – we recommend modifying the look by using artistic manners and adjusting the colour of the title. You can carry out several tests, with or without a background – such as forests, colour hypsometry/ layer tinting for mountains, satellite image – or without, in such a case lines will be dominating. There should be few names. If you do this, you will become the custom map maker.
City map in a tourist office or on the street. Infrmations, navigation, localisation, routes and trails, POI

City map in a tourist office or on a pillar

Absolutely necessary to explain the location of facilities in the city to tourists, the way to reach attractions or the location of the accommodation. Verify whether it contains the names of all the streets.
Map in a hotel foyer. Decorative map in artistic manner, informative, navigation, branding

Map in a hotel foyer

It should serve both decorative and informative functions. On the world map, you can show the hotel chain. There is nothing in the way of a wallpaper map becoming an element of modern interior design – city map poster or map poster of the area will work perfectly. A custom world map will also be quite successful.
A map in a book, newspaper, or magazine. Illustrative for texts, news, simple, legible, small, cheap

A map in a book, newspaper, or magazine

Here you need elementary maps, including as little content as possible, although coherent and complete. It is important to present on the map all elements mentioned in the text – you can add them manually perhaps at the final stage of personalisation. Usually, there is a need for a large number of such maps, and it would be best for them to be visually similar, especially if they are at the same scale. For this purpose, take advantage of the saved map; reusing it will ensure repeating the effect instantly. Especially in the case of small maps, it is worth looking at them in Adobe AcrobatReader® at a 100% zoom, meaning much smaller than usual, which gives a good idea of which elements of content will dominate. Naturally, the best form of control is always a high-resolution test print with a high-resolution printer.

Map in a textbook or scientific article. Small, legible, fitting needs, data personalized

Map in a textbook or scientific article

Such a map must be developed exceptionally carefully. Carry out several tests to adapt the content to your needs. Like any other map, it should include a legend. At the end of the personalisation process, you can add the content referred to in the text. Make sure that the names are not too small in reference to the rest of the work and since a significant difference discourages the use of the map, the map editor should agree this with the editor of the entire work.
Company catalogue with a sales network map. Branding, illustrative, stylization as in visual identifical book

Company catalogue with a sales network map

Provide a simple cartographic background. However you will need the borders and names of administrative units, a lot of towns, and a road network. If you have to add just a few elements, then as an mapmaker online, you can easily do this manually (in a future) at the end of personalisation. A professional map in a catalogue makes a good impression and increases the company’s prestige.

Leaflet with the company's location. Very simple map, few informations, localisation and navigation

Leaflet with the company's location

Extremely simple; all you have to do is provide a road scheme including a few names. And manually mark the location of the company.
Base for an infrastructure map. Background map, roads, buildings, POI, saturation light

Base for an infrastructure map

During personalisation, choose a base map as your theme, so you’ll have a fairly modest background in bright colours. However, choosing the category of the background content is highly significant in terms of an infrastructure map, so look at the advanced tab and enable the necessary groups of elements. Undoubtedly, you should provide many names of locations or streets; administrative borders will also be useful. It is worth generating this background from the MapCreating portal because maps created using automated tools in GIS software are of not high substantive and graphic quality.

Base for statistical presentation. Wall map, map on videowall, on LCD, background for statistic

Base for statistical presentation

As in the previous case, choose a base map as your theme so that you will have a fairly modest background content in bright colours. Make sure that the borders and names of administrative units are visible at the aggregation level (merging parts into a larger whole) for which you are showing statistical data. If there is a lot of this data, then enter it in a GIS or graphic software, and if there is a small amount of this data – map multiple locations manually (in a future) at the end of personalisation using MapCreating. This will create your own map and you will become the custom map maker.